
28 November 2014

Fire Fire!

Yesterday, I rode on an actual fire truck - a 1942 International! I sat in the front for 4 rides, and once on the side. I liked it because it had no doors and no roof. You know what happens when it rains? Your hair gets wet! blogger

30 June 2014

Splish Splash

I like going to the pool. I like the water. Be careful around water with your camera, as most cameras don't like water. Mine is ok though - my trusty Canon D10 is (almost) waterproof!

7 June 2014

Leaf It Out

There are lots of leaves on the ground that aren't green, so that means they're not growing, and are dead. But they're still beautiful. I like the veins in the leaves. Here's some I took at the park.

25 April 2014

Food Glorious Food

Today, me and Mummy and Daddy went for pizza. We had pizzas and chips and arancini balls, but I didn't like the arancini balls. I spilt my milk all over myself. The lady gave me a little chocolate when we paid.

5 April 2014


Following on from my last post, I thought I'd keep it all things cars - because I like cars.

Me and Daddy went to see the Grand Prix, and before the F1 cars raced, there were old cars on the track. And we got in the pits, and I got to sit in Old Yeller!

29 March 2014

Morris Minor In The City

I spotted this nice old car parked. It's a Morris Minor, and I like it because its cream and it reminds me of ice cream. 

9 March 2014

My Stuff Is Important

Last week, Mummy and Daddy told me I was meeting a nice lady called George.

George likes photography too, and she brought a nice big camera and a ladder with her.

We set up all my best toys in my bedroom, and she took my picture and I took hers.

See her other nice pictures of people and their stuff here

We lined up all the cars 
including Daddy's mini that I dented

and a few more because I like cars

and Donald and Big Fred and Sock Cat and Carter and Paddington and Winston

and then George tested a few angles before i climbed onto my bed

and then i snapped her

and she snapped me and my stuff